Monday, August 9, 2010

Blog Time

So, why start a blog? Considering that I’m a person who pokes fun at people who blog, this is slightly ironic. (Forgive me all, I am a changed person.)

I thought about starting a blog last year, my first year teaching. While I would have had some incredible stories to tell, they will probably come out anyways. I think I will have to do some comparisons of school of old and school of new. Either way, that will be an interesting discovery.
I could write about starting on my own again, seeing as how this year when I move away to start teaching at a new school, I have no boyfriend, no weekend escapes, and home is much farther away. I do, however, have two brothers close by, so that will be fun.
I think I want to write about everything, but most importantly where God is taking me. To be completely honest, I grew up in a non-denominational church, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and led worship and was a leading figure in church in high school and college. Sounds like an intro to success, right?
I’m also one of those people who hate being told what to do or that I’m wrong. I was confronted by some leadership at my church in college, and although they did it religiously, they did have some truth to what they were saying. I was getting caught up in what freedom didn’t tie me down in and enjoying what it allowed me to do. If that doesn’t make sense, I would refer to 1 Corinthians 10:23. (“Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.”) Moral of the story, my feelings/pride hurt, leave that church, and instead of joining a new church, I decided I could do life on my own. Long story short, I found myself in a state of: I know Jesus is 100% real, He is the way, the truth, and the life, and I could have cared less. I’m not sure how I would up there, or how I even justify having all the knowledge and still doing what I wanted, but that’s where I was.
I’ve been spending the past year trying to fall back in love with Jesus. I feel like I’m at this place in life where I have to be all in. You know how people say that you can meet God halfway, and He’ll do the rest. I believe that, but I also believe that I’m at a place in my faith that halfway just won’t do for me. I have to go 110%. I’ve been stuck at the fence, but grey isn’t my color anymore. I’ve always been more of a green or blue person anyways.
Hopefully this blog will serve as a reminder to me of what my mission is this year. I also pray that if there are other people out there who are searching for something, like I am, that this blesses you, and you find some truth - because that’s what I’m really after. I want to work my way through the religion of things and find the reality of what Christ has for me. Truth is on it’s way…
So, first goal: read my Bible every day. I do belive everything in it is divinely inspired and God-breathed. Started in 1 Samuel and Acts and working my way through those slowly, but surely.
If you’re going to follow me, please keep me in your prayers, or if you don’t pray, keep me on your mind and send me “good thoughts.” The Holy Spirit will turn those into prayers and I will take what I can get right now.
Lastly, if I have hurt anyone on my way, I would like to send out my most sincerest apologies. I hate seeing people act all holy after I’ve seen them at their ugliest, and I don’t want to be one of those people, but please try to understand that I’m only human, and I’m still learning who I am supposed to be and how I need to act. I’ve never been 23 before, so how could I possibly know how to act like a 23 year old?

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